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Is your preschool or kindergarten student roaring about dinosaurs? Try these engaging Dinosaur Printables and have fun learning together.

Dinosaur Printable Activities
Dinosaur Word Find
Boost visual discrimination and literacy skills with this dinosaur colors word find. Find a word. Color in the squares. Find another word. Color the squares with a different color. Continue until all words are found.

Counting Dinosaur Dots
Count the dots on each dinosaur and record your answers in the boxes. If desired, laminate these pages or put them in a plastic sheet protector so they can be reused.
Dinosaur Maze
Can you find all the letters in the word DINOASAUR (in order)? Hunt them down and make your way through the maze.

Pterodactyl Maze
Count from 5 to 100 (by 5s) to get through the maze. Color the squares as you go.

Paleontologist Pay
You will need coins or play money for this activity. Tell your student that a paleontologist dug up these bones.
Decide how much he’s going to get per bone (1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, or 25 cents). Help your student figure out how much money the paleontologist will make from each dig.
Dino Graph Game
You can play this cooperative game with 1-4 players. Each player takes a turn rolling a die. Fill in one square of the animal that was rolled (using the chart below to show you the numbers with the corresponding animals). Keep taking turns until one of the dinosaurs reaches ten.

Dinosaur Facts
At the end of your study, ask your student what he has learned about dinosaurs. Record the information on this page, print it, and put it in his notebook.
A Day With a Dinosaur
Let your child dictate his story to you while you type on the prepared page. This makes story writing easy for young children. They can write a great story without having to worry about handwriting, spelling, punctuation, etc. Kids usually generate better stories when someone scribes for them!
When your student is finished, print the story. Encourage him to draw a picture of his dinosaur.
Poem and ABC Magnet Word Building
Read the poem with your child.

Use your alphabet magnets and a cookie sheet to build the words on the word cards.

Counting Playdough Dino Plates
Strengthen your student’s fine motor skills while he adds the correct number of spiky plates to each dinosaur’s back.
You can laminate the pages and use playdough, or you can just let your student draw on the plates.
Dinosaur Dig
You need lots of small pieces of pipe cleaner (“dino bones”) for this activity: 2 red, 2 orange, 2 green, 2 black, 2 blue, and 2 purple. Place them in some sand, salt, or rice. Let your student dig for the pipe cleaners. As your student finds them, have him place them on the chart if he can say the correct letter sound (or a word that starts with that letter). Once the chart is full, the student “wins” the game. If your student is ready for sight words, use page 17 instead of page 16.
Alternatively, if you don’t have any pipe cleaners, cut the letters or words into cards and hide them in a sensory bin of sand, salt, or rice. Let your student “dig” for the cards and tell you the letter sounds or read the words.
Dinosaur Library List
Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones by Byron Barton
Shape by Shape by Suse MacDonald
If the Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? by Jane Yolen
Dinosaurumpus! by Tony Mitton
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More Dinosaur Printables
Scoop up some more dinosaur fun for your preschool or kindergarten student with these dinosaur printables.
Check out this fun dinosaur math mat.
Grab some pattern activity pages.
Trace shapes with these fun activity pages.
Practice counting with these dinosaur math mats.