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Have fun playing this ABC Transportation Matching Game with your preschool or kindergarten student.
It’s a great way to work on boosting memory skills while introducing your student to the letters of the alphabet.
You could also use the cards to introduce your student to letter sounds.
Each card has a letter of the alphabet and a vehicle that corresponds with the letter.

- A is for Ambulance
- B is for Biplane
- C is for Concrete Mixer
- D is for Dump Truck
- E is for Excavator
- F is for Firetruck
You’ll also find a helicopter, kayak, jeep, submarine, van, and zeppelin. This game will delight any student who loves vehicles.
ABC Transportation Matching Game Preparation
This game is super easy to set up.
Print the ABC transportation matching cards on cardstock. If desired, glue scrapbook paper pages to the backs of the card pages. This is not necessary, but it will give the cards a finished look.
Cut apart the cards.
ABC Transportation Matching Game Instructions

How to play the ABC Transportation Matching Game:
This game is similar to any Memory Match game.
Mix up the cards. Put them in rows, face down.
Players take turns.
Turn over any two vehicle cards. If the two cards match, keep them. If the two cards do not match, turn them back over.
Let the next player have a turn.
Continue until all cards have been matched.
Count the matches.
The player who has the most matches is the winner.
That’s it. Simple and educational!
Grab Your Free ABC Transportation Matching Game
Get a free copy of the Alphabet Transportation Game by clicking on the image below.
More Transportation Themed Resources
Are you looking for more transportation themed resources for your preschool student? Try these: