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This unit study includes lessons and printables based on the book Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books by Kay Winters.
In a tiny log cabin a boy listened with delight to the storytelling of his ma and pa. He traced letters in sand, snow, and dust. He borrowed books and walked miles to bring them back.
When he grew up, he became the sixteenth president of the United States. His name was Abraham Lincoln.
He loved books.
from Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books at
They changed his life.
He changed the world.

Thanks to Tammy Maddox for writing the lessons for this Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books unit study.
Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books Unit Study Lessons
Here are some sample lessons from the Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books Unit Study.
Language Arts: Genres
Genre is a French word that is often used as a synonym for “type” or “form” when referring to literature. There are many genres of literature. Discuss different genres with your child. What is a biography? What is an autobiography? What is a tall tale? Can you various genres at your local library? A biography is a story of a person’s life that is written by another person. While much of the story is usually true, the author sometimes fictionalizes parts of it to add excitement to the story. Your child may be familiar with these other picture book biographies Cowboy Charlie by Jeanette Winter, Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, or The Glorious Flight by Alice and Martin Provensen– all stories about real people. Abraham Lincoln the Boy Who Loved Books is a biography.
History: Jobs of the President
The President is the head of the executive branch and plays a large role in making America’s laws. His job is to approve the laws that Congress creates. When the Senate and the House approve a bill, they send it to the President. If he agrees with the law, he signs it and the law goes into effect. He serves as the American Head of State, meaning that he meets with the leaders of other countries and can make treaties with them. Also, the President is the official head of the U.S. military. He can authorize the use of troops overseas without declaring war. To officially declare war, though, he must get the approval of the Congress. Of course, the president has many other jobs and duties to perform.
To access all of the lessons in this Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books unit study, subscribe to Homeschool Share’s email list using the form in this post.
Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books Lapbook Printables
In addition to the lessons in this unit study, the file also includes mini-books for your student to make a Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books Lapbook.
- Places Abraham Lincoln Lived Map Shutter Book
- The Life of Abraham Lincoln (Timeline) Mini-book
- Parallel Construction Pencil Shape Book
- Requirements to Be President Flap Book
- Honesty Flap Book
- Genres (biography and autobiography) Twice Folded Book
- Family Relationships Compressed Triangle Book
- Three Branches of Government Layer Book
- Capitalization Sorting Cards and Pockets
Lapbook Example
This lapbook sample was made with one file folder.

How to Get Started with Your Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books Unit Study & Lapbook
Follow these simple instructions to get started with the Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books Unit Study:
- Buy a copy of the book, Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books, or borrow one from your local library.
- Print the Abe Lincoln: Boy Who Loved Books unit study.
- Choose the lessons you want to use with your student (a highlighter works great for this).
- Choose and prepare the lapbook printables you want to use with your student.
- Enjoy a week of learning about Abraham Lincoln.
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