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Aesop’s Fables Notebook
Aesop was a well-known storyteller who lived in Ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BC. His fables were passed down orally, from storyteller to storyteller. The short stories usually featured animals as characters and were used to teach children morals.

Teach your student all about Aesop and his fables with our printables. You’ll find lessons for old favorites such as “The Mouse and the Lion” and “The Goose and the Golden Egg” as well as lesser known stories such as “The Two Goats.”
You can use the printables to create an Aesop’s Fables Notebook or an Aesop’s Fables Lapbook.
We’ve included notebook and lapbook printables for these Aesop’s Fables:
- The Crow and the Pitcher
- The Two Goats
- The Dog and His Reflection
- The Goose and the Golden Egg
- The Young Crab and His Mother
- The Mouse and the Lion
- The Fox and the Stork
- The Fox and the Grapes
- The Hare and the Tortoise
- The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
- The Ants and the Grasshopper
- The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
- The Fox and the Crow
How to Get Started with the Aesop’s Fables Notebook Printables
Follow these simple instructions to get started with the Aesop’s Fables Notebook or Lapbook.
- Buy a copy of the book, Aesop’s Fables (illustrated by Charles Santore), or borrow one from your local library.
- If you want to create an Aesop’s Fables Notebook, print the lay-out pages on cardstock. Three-hole punch the cardstock and add it to a notebook. Complete the Aesop’s Fables mini-books and paste them to the lay-out pages as directed. You can use as many or as few of the printables as you wish.
- If you want to create an Aesop’s Fables Lapbook, print the mini-books only. Arrange them into a refolded file folder. You could make one lapbook for each story, or you could use pieces from several stories to create one lapbook.
- Enjoy a week of literature lapbooking with your student.
Download Your Free Aesop’s Fables Notebook Printables
These files include printable activities based on Aesop’s Fables. You can use any Aesop’s Fables book you like. We recommend Aesop’s Fables (illustrated by Charles Santore), an excellent version.
Simply click on the links below to grab the free Aesop’s Fables Printables.
- The Man Behind the Stories (All About Aesop)
- Fables (All About Fables)
- Aesop’s Fables Puppets (use these to reenact the stories)
- Aesop’s Fables Notebook Cover
- The Crow and the Pitcher
- The Two Goats
- The Dog and His Reflection
- The Goose and the Golden Egg
- The Young Crab and His Mother
- The Mouse and the Lion
- The Fox and the Stork
- The Fox and the Grapes
- The Hare and the Tortoise
- The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
- The Ants and the Grasshopper
- The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
- The Fox and the Crow
Add a Set of Aesop’s Fables Copywork
Add this set of Aesop’s Fables Copywork pages to your study! Your student will read and copy ten of Aesop’s Fables through 92 different copywork exercises.