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Hopefully, you have already found our basic lapbook templates and now you want more! You can snag a set of free Bonus Lapbook Templates by subscribing to the newsletter.

Lapbook Templates at Homeschool Share
We have several sets of lapbook templates at Homeschool Share. In order to make sure you are in the right place, here are the options:
- Free Basic Lapbook Templates
- Basic Lapbook Templates (bundled for your convenience)
- Editable Lapbook Templates (type right on these and add your own clipart images)
- Bonus Lapbook Templates (see below)
What’s Included in the Bonus Lapbook Templates?
This set of lapbook templates includes a variety of mini-books with more advanced options than our basic templates.

- Jumbo Matchbook
- Rounded Matchbooks
- Small Wheel Book
- Envelope Book
- Venn Diagram Flap Book
- T-book with Four Spaces
- T-book with Five Spaces
- Pocket Book
- Four Tab Book (2 tabs at the top, 2 tabs at the bottom)
- Six Tab Book (6 tabs on the side)
- Concept Map with Two Areas
- Concept Map with Three Areas
- Large 3/4 Book
- Small 3/4 Book
- Flag Fan Book
- Keys Fan Book
- Rounded Simple Fold Books
- Sun Shapes Book
- Heart Shapes Book
- Book Shapes Book (two options)
- Ticket Accordion Book
- Accordion in My Pocket Book
- Shutterfold Book
- House Shape Shutterfold Book
- Shutterflap Books
- Folded Shutterfold Book
- Shuttertied Book
- Bound Book
Your student can cut out the mini-books, fold them, and add their own text and images in order to create a lapbook on any topic.

Get Your Free Lapbook Templates Set
Use the form below to subscribe to the newsletter. Once you confirm, your free set of Bonus Lapbook Templates will be delivered directly to your inbox.
More Lapbook Help
Are you new to lapbooking?
Start with this How to Make a Lapbook post to see examples, read about the benefits of lapbooks, find out our favorite supplies, and learn how to store lapbooks.

Are you an old pro when it comes to lapbooking, but you need new ideas?
Try this Lapbook Ideas post to find new lapbook inspiration and a ton of creative ideas for your lapbook projects.

If you are looking for pre-made lapbooks, try one of our indexes:
Happy Lapbooking!