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Do you need a fresh idea for your dramatic play area? Create a fun Christmas dramatic play area with our cookie shop printables.

Benefits of Pretend Play
Why should you encourage dramatic play for your preschool and kindergarten students? Because it is brain-building!
Pretend play is beneficial for your student because it promotes:
- creativity and imagination
- fine motor skills
- gross motor skills
- social development
- language and communication skills
- problem-solving abilities
- teamwork
What’s Included in the Christmas Bakery Dramatic Play Set?
This set includes a ginormous variety of bakery themed printables and activities. Print reusable items on cardstock and laminate them for durability.
Christmas Dramatic Play Signs and Badges
You can use the various signs and badges provided to set up your Christmas Bakery.

- Welcome to the Christmas Bakery Sign
- Come In We’re Open Sign
- Sorry We’re Closed Sign

- Christmas Bakery Business Hours Sign (laminate and use with a dry erase marker)
- Christmas Bakery Cookie Menu
- Today’s Special Sign

- Badges
The badges include four different cookie shop jobs: bakery clerk, manager, baker, and decorator. Print on cardstock and laminate. Punch holes and add yarn to them so your students can wear them.

Additional Christmas Pretend Play Printables
You can add more pizzazz to your dramatic play area with these printables:
- Cookie Shop Coupons
- Cookie Shop Punch Cards
- Bakery Receipts
- Cookie Shop Cash Register
- Cookie Shop Play Money

Christmas Bakery Dramatic Play Activities
The set of printables includes some hands-on activities for your students.

- Cookies to Cut and Color (use them in the bakery!)
Additionally, you could give your students felt pieces and let them make and decorate their own “cookies” - Gingerbread Playdough Mat (great for a playdough center)
- Kitchen Tools Playdough Mats (learn new vocabulary and boost fine motor skills at the same time)

Christmas Bakery Dramatic Play Props
Need more dramatic play ideas? Add some toys and kitchen tools to your dramatic play center to make it more engaging.
- Rubber Spatula (Dollar Tree is a great place to find inexpensive kitchen tools)
- Plastic Bowls (to mix “cookie” batter!)
- Plastic or Wooden Spoons
- Plastic Cookie Cutters
- Cookie Sheets
- Oven Mitts
- Play Oven (you could make one from a cardboard box)
- Toy Baking Set
- Toy Coffee Maker
- Pretend Cookies
- Play Dishes (to serve cookies) or Paper Plates
- Hole Punch (for the punch cards)
- Playdough (for the kitchen tool cards and gingerbread playdough mat)
- Cash Register
Get Your Free Christmas Pretend Play Printables
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More Bakery Themed Printables and Activities
Need some additional ideas for centers? Try some of these bakery themed resources: