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Are you looking for an exciting way to add nature study to your day? Try our fall scavenger hunt printable. Your students will love it!
If you would like to browse all of our printable scavenger hunts, try our Scavenger Hunts for Kids page.

Items You Will Look for with the Fall Scavenger Hunt
Your student will search outdoors (or through a picture book!) for these items:
- moss
- spider web
- hay bale
- winged seeds
- animal track
- spider
- pinecone
- leaf pile
- acorn
- nut
- moth
- apple on a tree
- slug
- beetle
- puddle
As your student locates each item, have her color it on the printable page provided.

For extra fun, give your student a magnifying glass and allow her to carefully examine the items as she finds them.
The autumn scavenger hunt also includes some extra fun activities:
- spot a squirrel collecting nuts
- pick blackberries and bake a blackberry crumble
- leaf study (find different colored leaves)
Benefits of the Fall Scavenger Hunt
This autumn scavenger hunt is great as a go-along with your fall theme. It provides many benefits for your student.
- Scavenger hunts boost observation skills. As your child looks for objects, he will develop better observation skills.
- Scavenger hunts require movements; this promotes gross motor development.
- A scavenger hunt can provide safe sensory input for your student (feel the crunchy leaves in the pile, taste the sweet blackberries, listen to the squirrels chattering in the trees, etc.)
- If you work on the scavenger hunt as a team, it will promote cooperation and social skills development.
Grab Your Free Autumn Scavenger Hunt
Grab the printable autumn scavenger hunt by clicking on the image below.
More Fall Themed Resources for Your Students
Try one of our other fall themed resources to engage your students.