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Choose one of the fifty states from the United States of America and jump into to a wonderful research project with our State Lapbook.

How to Complete Research for the State Lapbook
This lapbook was designed to give your student ample research opportunities. I recommend teaching your student how to find quality websites or going to the library to get books for this project.

National Geographic Kids is a fantastic research option for your student. From the main United States of America page, you can find links to pages for all fifty states.
You can also use these suggested sites:
Make a Salt Dough Map: Add to your state study by making a salt dough map of the state you are learning about.
State Lapbook Printables
This lapbook download is unique. It includes general mini-books to use with any state. Additionally, it includes mini-books and graphics that are state specific (and yes, the additional mini-books are included for ALL 50 states!).

General Mini-books:
- Flag Facts Simple Fold
- Statehood Simple Fold
- State Tree Shape Book
- On the Map Simple Fold Book
- Fast Facts Flap Book (state motto, state nickname, area, and population)
- Weather Report Clipboards
- Cities Layer Book
- Fun Facts Fan

In addition to the general mini-books, the States Lapbook includes 50 of each of these items to create state specific lapbooks.

- Lapbook Cover Pieces
- State flags to paste inside the Flag Facts Simple Fold
- On the Map Simple Fold Cover Pieces (includes an image of the shape of the state)
- State Bird Matchbooks
- State Flower Matchbooks

Sample State Lapbook
If this is your first time making a lapbook, check out our How to Make a Lapbook Guide.
This sample California Lapbook was made with one file folder. You can use this lapbook to lapbook ANY state you want!

How to Get Started with Your 50 States Lapbook
Follow these simple instructions to get started with the State Report Lapbook.
- Buy the State Lapbook from the Tip-Top Printables Shop.
- If you want, go to your local library and check out books about the state your student has chosen to research.
- Print the lapbook.
- Choose and prepare the lapbook mini-books you want to use with your student.
- Enjoy a week of reading and learning all about your student’s chosen state!
Get Your State Report Lapbook
You can snag your lapbook right here, or you can go to the shop to check out our other geography resources.
Explore Our Other Geography Lapbooks
After you finish your state study, check out our other geography lapbooks.