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Are you looking for lapbook templates? You just hit the jackpot!
This page includes several options for simple fold books for your student’s next lapbook project.
Simple Fold Lapbook Templates
As far as cutting and folding goes, it doesn’t get any easier than a simple fold book. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. You have a simple fold. Fast, easy, and you immediately have a cover and two inside sections to write in.
If simple folds are so simple, then why do you need templates for them? You don’t have to have templates, but it’s nice to have a variety of shapes and sizes to work with.
As you add simple folds to your lapbook, remember that you can use ANY shape to create a simple fold book. Just pick a shape (or trace one on to paper), fold, and cut around the shape. Easy-peasy.
File Folder Simple Fold Books
It’s always fun to have a little file folder inside your lapbook (since it IS a file folder).
Large File Folder Simple Fold Book
This large file folder will fit nicely in the middle section of your lapbook.
Simply click on the image to grab your large file folder simple fold book template.
Medium File Folder Simple Fold Books
This file includes two medium file folders for your lapbook.
Simply click on the image to grab your medium file folder books.
Small File Folder Simple Fold Books
I have to admit: the mini mini-books are my favorite, and I love the file folders. This file includes four small file folders for your student’s lapbook.
Simply click on the image to grab your small file folder books.
Rounded Rectangle Simple Fold Books
Large Rounded Rectangle Simple Fold Book
This huge book can hold a lot of information. Use it in the center section of your lapbook.
Simply click on the image to grab your large rectangle simple fold book.
Small Rounded Rectangle Simple Fold Books
These cute rectangle simple fold books can be added anywhere in your student’s lapbook. They are great for adding jokes, riddles, or fun facts.
Simply click on the image to grab your small rounded rectangle mini-books.
Hexagon Simple Fold Books
Large Hexagon Simple Fold Book
Simply click on the image to grab your large hexagon simple fold book.
Medium Hexagon Simple Fold Books
Here is another option for a simple fold book. These will fit on the left or right side of your student’s lapbook.
Simply click on the image to grab your medium hexagon simple fold books.
Small Hexagon Simple Fold Books
If the other hexagon options are too large, consider using these small hexagon simple folds.
Simply click on the image to grab your small hexagon simple fold books.
Octagon Simple Fold Books
Because I can’t resist the little books, I also made a set of octagon simple folds. Again, these are great for fast facts, jokes, or little bits of information your student wants to include in her lapbook.
Small Octagon Simple Fold Books
Simply click on the image to grab your small octagon simple fold books.
More Lapbook Templates
Find gobs more lapbook templates on this main page.
You can also snag a set of free Bonus Lapbook Templates when you use the form below to subscribe to the Homeschool Share newsletter.
Basic Lapbook Template Bundle
All of our free lapbook templates have been bundled into one convenient pdf. If you’d like to snag this bundle, head to the shop or use the buy button below.
Editable Lapbook Templates
If you are looking for lapbook templates that allow you to add your own fonts and images, and if you have PowerPoint, try this set of editable templates.
Read more and see these templates in action here.