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These free Little Nino’s Pizzeria activities and printables have been designed to enhance your time this fun book by Karen Barbour. The bold and bright picture book tells the story of Tony, a little boy who helps his father run their family business, Little Nino’s Pizzeria.

Little Nino’s Pizzeria Printable Activities
The Little Nino’s Pizzeria printable pack includes these activities:
Social Studies: Teamwork
Discuss Teamwork. What does it mean? Use a dictionary. How does Little Nino’s Family demonstrate teamwork? How does your family demonstrate teamwork?
Social Studies: Italy
Italy is famous for pizza! Do some research and learn more about this amazing European country.
Check out our Italy Lapbook.

Nutrition and Health
Pizza making provides an opportune time to discuss nutrition with your student. What foods are healthy for your family?
Can You Eat Five a Day?
We know fruits and vegetables have many health benefits. Print the chart and ask your student to take the five-a-day challenge. Each time she eats a fruit or veggie, have her fill in one of the circles on the chart.

A Healthy Plate
Print the page. Use magazines or grocery store flyers to cut, paste, and fill the plate with healthy foods!
Writing: My Giant List of Pizza Toppings!
How many pizza toppings can you write down on the accordion book? Can you think of 20 and fill ALL of the lines?
Language Arts: Copywork Page
Encourage your student to use her best handwriting to copy the quote from Little Nino’s Pizzeria.
Writing: How to Make a Pizza
Choose one of the lined pages to print, whatever is best suited for your student. Make a pizza together sometime during this unit study. After you have done this, ask your student to record the pizza making process. A younger student could dictate the process to you as you write for him.

Writing: Pizza Shop Menu
Create your own menu! Type right on the form. Use the menu for pretend pizza shop play.

Pizza Shop Dramatic Play
Using the printables and other props, set up a pizza shop. Have fun
imagining! If you have pretend money, this would be a good time to review names of coins, values of coins, basic addition and subtraction, etc. as people tally orders and pay for their orders.

Math: Graphing Popular Pizza Toppings
Interview 5-10 people and graph the results.
How to Get Started with Your Little Nino’s Pizzeria Activities & Printables
Follow these simple instructions to get started with the Little Nino’s Pizzeria printables.
- Buy or borrow Little Nino’s Pizzeria.
- Choose and prepare the printables you want to use with your student.
- Enjoy a week of reading and learning with Little Nino’s Pizzeria.
Get Your Free Little Nino’s Pizzeria Printables
Simple click on the image below to grab the free set of Little Nino’s Pizzeria printables.