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Are you looking for ways to enhance your reading of Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann? Try our free Officer Buckle and Gloria activities and printables.

Thanks to Tina Franks for helping to create the Officer Buckle and Gloria lapbook activities.
Officer Buckle and Gloria Book Summary
Officer Buckle, a mustachioed policeman who wears a crossed-out-banana-peel patch on his sleeve, has a passion for teaching students about safety, but his audiences tend to doze off during his lectures. They awaken, however, when police dog Gloria joins Buckle onstage. As Buckle speaks, Gloria-behind Buckle’s back-mimes each safety lesson.
School safety increases tenfold and Buckle and Gloria find themselves in great demand. But when he finally learns of his sidekick’s secret sideshow, Buckle’s feelings are terribly hurt.
In a sound and sensitive conclusion, Gloria’s disastrous attempt to go solo inspires Buckle’s best safety tip yet: “Always stick with your buddy!”

Officer Buckle and Gloria Activities and Printables
This study includes a wide variety of lessons, ideas, activities, and printables for you and your student. You can combine the printables to create a lapbook for your student.
My Name and Address
Use the My Name and Address book for your student to practice writing and reciting your home address.
My Phone Number
Use the My Phone Number book for your student to write his or her phone number. Practice reciting it.
Safety Tips
Officer Buckle and Gloria is full of safety tips. Brainstorm some safety tips with your student and use the pages provided to record them.
Calling 9-1-1
Discuss with your child when and how to call 911. Make up some scenarios. Should you call 9-1-1 if your dog is sick? Should you call 9-1-1 if your pet goldfish jumps out of his bowl? Should you call 9-1-1 if mommy falls down the stairway and can’t get up? Child should know what situations are considered enough of an emergency to call 911.
Use the sorting activity to reinforce this concept.
Police Officers
Check out books from the library to learn more about these important community helpers.
Police Badge
Just for fun, color the police badge and paste it in (or on the cover of) your lapbook.
Police Dogs
Check out books from the library to learn more about police dogs. Add an interesting fact about police dogs to the Police Dog matchbook.

Other Dog Occupations
Gloria was a police dog, but dogs can help people in a great number of other ways: hunting dogs, seeing eye dogs, guard dogs, herding dogs, therapy dogs, sled dogs, and pets. Discuss this with your student.
Officer Buckle gets discouraged when he realizes that Gloria is the star of the show. However, what happens when Gloria goes to the school without him? Discuss this with your student.
We often work or play best when we use teamwork! When does your student use teamwork? (Chores, playing outside, etc.) Who is it that makes a good team with your student?
Cut and fold the “A Good Team” Matchbook. Inside the book, let your student draw a picture that represents someone who makes a good team with him or her.
Drawing Gloria
In the book, the students send Officer Buckle pictures they drew of Gloria. Encourage your student to draw Gloria performing a funny trick. Add it to your lapbook.
About the Book
Observe the book’s cover and information with your child and determine the title, author, illustrator (author and illustrator are the same for this book) and publication year.
Copy this information into the About the Book Envelope Fold then paste the book into your lapbook.
Nursery Rhyme
If desired, read through the Humpty Dumpty rhyme and discuss accidents with your student.
To access this Officer Buckle and Gloria Lapbook, subscribe to Homeschool Share’s email list using the form in this post.
How to Get Started with the Free Officer Buckle and Gloria Activities

Follow these simple instructions to get started with the Officer Buckle and Gloria Lapbook.
- Buy Officer Buckle and Gloria or borrow it from your local library.
- Print the Officer Buckle and Gloria Lapbook.
- Choose and prepare the mini-books you want to use with your student.
- Enjoy a week of reading and learning all about safety, community helpers, and safety.
Officer Buckle and Gloria Lapbook Example
This lapbook sample uses one file folder. You can pick and choose the mini-books that will work best for your student.
If you are new to lapbooking, check out this How to Make a Lapbook guide.

Download Your Free Officer Buckle and Gloria Lapbook
Use the form below to subscribe to the newsletter. Once you confirm, you’ll receive an email with the link to the lapbook. If you are already confirmed, simply enter your name and email address below, and you will receive an email with the link.
More Dog Themed Resources
Check out these other dog themed resources for your student.