Groundhogs Lapbook
Groundhogs are the perfect critter to study in the winter--right before Groundhog Day, but it
Groundhogs are the perfect critter to study in the winter--right before Groundhog Day, but it
Camels are the amazing ships of the desert. As your student delves into the camel
Learn all about nature's great architect (and largest rodent!) with our free Beaver Lapbook. Thanks
Hedgehogs are small, spiny animals. Are they related to porcupines? Do they make good pets?
Are foxes sly? Are they big and scary? Where do foxes live and how do
I love it when I'm hiking through the forest and my hiking buddy stops me
Chipmunks are the cutest! They hurry and scurry and gather and eat. A lot. Learn
Learn all about the cheetah's diet, anatomy, behavior, hunting practices, family life, and more with
What animal can turn a door handle, turn on a water faucet, and open your
Prairie dogs are busy, cute rodents that are fun to observe. Learn all about these