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Is it time for a teddy bear picnic or tea party? Encourage your kid to grab a bear and explore a bear theme for learning.
Your student will love learning literacy and math concepts while practicing fine motor skills with these free printable teddy bear activities for preschool .

Printable Teddy Bear Activities for Preschool
This set of teddy bear printables includes the following hands-on activities:
Bear Cutting Page
Your student can use this page to practice scissor skills. If your student isn’t ready for scissors, use the page as a line tracing page.

Bear Trace and Color Activity Page
Encourage your student to trace the bear. Color the bear and the word on the page.
Teddy Bear Color and Cut
Practice fine motor skills. Color the teddy bear and then cut it out.

Find the Difference
Find the bear in each row that is different. Color or circle it.
Teddy Bear Alphabet Cut and Paste
The teddy bear wants to find his friend, but he has to fill in the alphabet first. Can your student help? Cut and paste the letter tiles to make the entire alphabet and to help the bear find his friend.

Find the Letter Bb
Search through the page and find the letter B. Color the circles with the letter Bb.

The Bear Went Over the Mountain Word Building Activity
Read “The Bear Went Over the Mountain” with your student. Cut out the word cards on this page Give your student a cookie sheet and alphabet magnets. Let your student build the words.
Teddy Bear Color by Number Printable
Color the page, using the numbered crayons as your guide.

Teddy Bear Color, Count, and Graph
Count the teddy bears. Color them. Add them to the graph.
Teddy Bear Patterns
Help your student complete the pattern page.

Teddy Bear Dot to Dot
Practice counting as you connect the dots from 1-10.

Sorting Teddy Bear Sizes
Cut out the teddy bears. Sort them into the jars. Save the bears in a plastic bag so you can do the activity again.

Additionally, you could add this interactive Teddy Bear Math Mat to your stash of teddy bear activities.

Teddy Bear Book List
You do not need these exact books for these Teddy Bear Printables. Please use whatever monster-themed books your library has available and read, read, read to your child.
Reading is great for language development, literacy skills, and snuggling; it is the best thing you can do with your preschool or kindergarten student.
- Teddy Bears’ Picnic by Jimmy Kennedy
- Where’s My Teddy? by Jez Alborough
- Tea Party Rules by Ame Dyckman
- Always There Bear by Trudi Granger
If you need a longer read aloud, try The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne.
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