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Jump in to the wild, wonderful world of Dr. Seuss with our Ten Apples Up On Top activities and printables.

Ten Apples Up On Top Activities & Printables
Counting with Ten Apples up on Top
Use Ten Apples Up On Top to teach your young student to count to ten.
Use the printable “How Many Apples Up On Top?” mini-book to teach and reinforce counting to ten.

If your student already knows how to do this, try teaching her to count by 10s to 100 or by 1s to 100. A printable I Count to 100 chart is provided in the download.
Apple Cards for Math Activities
Use the apple cards for the following activities:
1. Match the card with the appropriate number of apples to the number (for example, match the card with four apples to the number four). You could even turn this into a memory matching game with your student.
2. Use the cards for addition problems. For example, give your student the card with two apples and the card with three apples, then ask her to add them together and give you the card with the correct number: the 5. Extra number cards have been provided for this purpose. You can use three apple tree cards to get to 20.
3. Have your student put the apple tree cards in order 1-10.
Apple Knock-Out Math Game
Laminate the game board, if desired. You will need a pair of dice for this game. Let your student roll the dice. Add the sum and place a marker on the number to knock it out. Try to knock out all the numbers!
You can make this a two player game by printing a second game board and taking turns rolling the dice. The first person to knock out all the numbers on their board is the winner.
Literacy: Positional Words Activity (Prepositions)
Does your young student understand words indicating spatial relationships? What does “up on” mean? Play a simple game with your student giving him spatial commands to make sure he understands words such as under, on, in, out of, between, beside, below, above, around, etc. “Put your doll on your bed…put your doll under your bed. Put your doll on top of your head.. Put your doll between the bears.” Of course, you could do this exercise with an apple.
Use the Positional Words activity page to reinforce this lesson.

How to Get Started with Your Ten Apples Up On Top Free Printables
Follow these simple instructions to get started with the Ten Apples Up On Top printables.
- Buy or borrow Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss.
- Choose and prepare the Ten Apples Up On Top printables you want to use with your student.
- Enjoy a week of reading and learning with Ten Apples Up On Top!
Get Your Free Ten Apples up on Top Activities & Printables
Simply click on the image below to grab your free Ten Apples Up On Top printable activities.
More Resources for a Dr. Seuss Theme
Grab more Dr. Seuss themed resources and have fun diving into more math and literacy lessons!